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Project INSTINCT aims at paving the way towards mechanical characterization of materials subjected to extreme environmental conditions at small scales. These extremities include high strain rates (<10.000/s) and temperatures varying between cryogenic (down to -150°C) up to medium ranges (room temperature to ~400°C). In particular, project INSTINCT aims to study materials’ characteristics in the hydrogen context by gaining knowledge on how the presence of hydrogen modifies dislocation nucleation and mobility.


Collaborators: Szilvia Kalácska (LGF EMSE), Guillaume Kermouche (LGF EMSE), Frederic Christien (LGF EMSE), Yann Charles (LSPM), Marc Fivel (SIMAP), Péter D. Ispánovity (ELTE), S. Queyreau (LSPM)

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